Return Policy
No Ultimate Security Devices product or part can be returned for credit unless written authorization has been given in advance. Merchandise returned must be identified as to the original date of purchase, purchase order number, and shipper's name and address. Service and handling charge is 15% of net billing price or $10, whichever is greater, except in the case of defective parts. Any freight paid by Ultimate Security will be deducted from the amount of credit issued, except in the case of defective parts. Merchandise returned in unsaleable condition will not be acceptable. The return of obsolete, discontinued, modified or special parts is not permissible. Ultimate Security Devices reserves the right to charge for all work completed or materials purchased when an order is canceled or reduced prior to shipment, where special or modified parts are involved. Ultimate Security Devices reserves the right to assess an additional cancellation charge, other than the normal 15% handling charge, in the event the quantity canceled is in excess of our normal stock requirements. Prices are subject to change in the event purchaser receives original order quantity.